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Liquid Vitamins Vs Vitamin Pills

July 21, 2021 2 min read

Liquid Vitamins Vs Vitamin Pills

What do we think of when we hear the word vitamin? I'm sure the majority of us think of pills. That is because vitamin in the form of a tablet is being advertised most of the time. But did you know that liquid vitamin is actually a thing? Well, if you're not convinced, I'm here to tell you that it is indeed a thing. In fact, most people do not realise that the body can absorb the nutrients from liquid vitamin supplements easier than from tablets. It is estimated that liquid vitamin supplements are actually absorbed at least five times better than regular vitamin tablets. Of course, there are many other benefits that liquid vitamin supplements have over pills. For example, liquid vitamin supplements are easier to swallow. This alone makes liquid vitamin supplements preferable to pills, especially for children and anyone else who has trouble taking pills of any type, even adults.

Unfortunately, young children are often unable to gather sufficient nutrients from the foods that they consume, but it is almost impossible for them to take vitamin supplements in pill form. Liquid vitamin supplements are ideal because they can be given by a dropper, straight into the childís mouth or even added to their regular bottle of water or juice to ensure that they receive all of the vitamins that they need to grow. For the exact same reason, liquid vitamin supplements are perfect for anyone who is unwell and not able to eat properly.

Despite the best efforts of most people, it is likely that most are not getting sufficient vitamins and minerals from their diet, and that is where liquid vitamin supplements are beneficial. The vitamins in many common pill supplements are actually packed too densely. This leads to a lot of the vitamins not being broken down and absorbed as they should do, whereas liquid vitamin supplements do not have the same problem. Therefore, the body can absorb far more of the nutritional value from liquid vitamin supplements than it can from those in the traditional pill form. In fact, the body only absorbs about 10-20% of the nutrients from vitamin pills compared to around 80-90% that it can absorb from liquid vitamin supplements.

Intriguing, isn't it? Here's another benefit of liquid vitamins. Liquid vitamin supplements often contain more than one type of vitamin and other nutrients. Vitamin pills traditionally contain only one, which means that you will have to take a whole handful of vitamin pills to get the same benefits as you do from many of the liquid vitamin supplements. Liquid vitamin supplements offer far more convenience and effectiveness for supplying the body with its needs. The cost of buying the equivalent number of vitamin pills to obtain the same results is also far more than that of liquid vitamin supplements.


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