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A Skincare Addict's Guide to Pursuing the Best Skin of Your Life

June 22, 2022 3 min read

A Skincare Addict's Guide to Pursuing the Best Skin of Your Life

Let's be honest, many of us are addicted to skincare, be it the products, the process, or the results. You name it, and it's in there. However, as simple as it sounds, one does not achieve a youthful-looking skin overnight. It's like building a house; it requires multiple steps and, most importantly, consistency in the long run for any result to show. 


Why is Skincare Important?

As you age, your skin will eventually change due to the changes in your body. The glamorous skin you once had when you were young will no longer be the same as you age. That is simply due to the turnover rate of our skin cells. The process is significantly slower as you age. Unfortunately, things like these can't be prevented. However, the process can be slowed down if your doing the right things. That's how many of our Hollywood celebrities look as though they're in their 20s, even though they're in their 50s. As you may have guessed, there are many components in skincare, and we wouldn't be able to cover them all in one article. 

How To Make A Skincare Routine For Oily Skin

Many of us have oily skin; however, a skincare routine for oily skin is different from a regular routine. The aim of the routine is to balance the production of oil in your skin and control the excess. The first step is to cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser. This will remove any makeup and dirt that may have accumulated on your skin throughout the day. You can also use a scrub if you want to exfoliate dead cells from your face. Next, you need to tone your skin after cleansing it. This will help balance its pH level and close pores for better absorption of other products that you use later on in the routine. After toning, you can apply an oil-free moisturizer or lotion. Depending on what suits you best, all over your face and neck area to help moisturize, smooth, and control excess oil. As for other products to use in your routine, you can apply a serum that targets specific concerns such as anti-ageing or wrinkles. You can also incorporate a treatment cream if it has added benefits such as anti-inflammatory properties or sun protection.


How to Care for your Skin in Winter?

Winter is the most challenging season for our skin. The cold and dry air can cause it to become dry and irritated. But with the proper care, you can ensure that your skin is healthy and glowing all winter long.

- Wear a moisturizer every day. Apply it in the morning before you put on makeup or sunscreen, as well as at night after cleansing your face.

- Make sure to drink enough water throughout the day, especially if you are living in a cold place where it is easy to get dehydrated.

- Use a humidifier at home to keep your skin hydrated and avoid getting dry patches on your face and hands.

- Drink green tea; this will help reduce inflammation in your body, which will also benefit your skin."


In conclusion, it is important to remember that the skincare routine is not just about using products to maintain the skin. It's about understanding what your body needs and being educated on what you are putting on your skin. If you'd like to get more in-depth knowledge on all the different types of skincare types, routines, etc., be sure to check out our ebook "The Beauty Manual", that's currently on sale! 


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