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Top 10 Skincare Tips for 2020

March 18, 2020 3 min read

TOP 10 Skincare Tips 2020

Yep, we know you luxers have been waiting for this one and we'll get right to it with no further introduction.

Having healthy skin is seriously one of the most important ingredients for beauty-enhancement. This article is on skincare tips is dedicated to you luxers to bring the 10 best skincare tips in 2020 to you.
The list of skincare tips has been restricted to 10 because anything more that that would not only be difficult to remember, but also shadow the more important skincare tips. So let’s jump right it and find out what these tips are:

  1.  Identifying your skin type is one of the most important skincare tip. This is important because not every skincare product suits everyone. In fact, all the skincare products specify the type of skin they cater too.
  2. Be gentle, your skin is delicate. Do not scrub or exfoliate too hard or too often. Similarly, do not apply too much or too many skincare products. A must-to-follow skin care tip.
  3.  Keeping your skin hydrated at all times. This is one of the most important skincare tip that you're gonna get. Don’t let your skin get dry. Dryness causes the outer layer of your skin to break, leading to a rough and unattractive appearance. Use moisturizers/emollients. Moisturizers work best when applied while the skin is still damp ( Pro Tip: Gently tap instead of rubbing it all over your face )
  4. Cleansing your skin regularly, at least twice a day ( Morning and night ). Cleansing is a very effective skincare tip that helps in getting rid of the dirt and other harsh elements from your skin. Cleansing is especially important when you have been out of your house (and hence exposed to pollutants, dust etc). This skincare tip also advocates the use of lukewarm water for cleansing. Do note that hot and cold water, both, cause damage to your skin.
  5. Drink lots of water. This will not keep your skin moist but will help in the overall upkeep of your health (and in turn your skin). It might seem a bit awkward to some, however, this is a pretty important skincare tip.
  6. Use sunscreen to protect yourself from sun’s harmful UV radiation. You can use day-time moisturizers that have sunscreen built into them. Use them even when it’s cloudy. UV radiations are known to cause skin cancer, so follow this skin care tip without fail.
  7. Avoid the use of soap on your face. Soap should only be used for the body, not the face. A small yet important skincare tip that alot of people neglect. Especially men! 
  8. A bit of exercise and good sleep are essential too, not just for skin care but for your health as a whole. Lack of sleep can lead to the formation of wrinkles below your eyes and lack of exercise can cause your skin to slack. Moreover, exercise and sleep also help in beating stress. So besides being a skincare tip, this is also a health care tip ;)
  9. Treat skin dilemmas with care. This skincare tip is about not ignoring any skin dilemmas. Consult your dermatologist before you go on to use a skincare product (lest you do end up harming your skin even more).
  10. Overcoming your stress. The harmful effects of stress are known to everyone, however, sometimes stating the obvious is essential too and hence this skincare tip found its place here at our number 10th. Yes, stress harms skin too. So, take a break or indulge in a warm bubble bath or just get good night sleep. 
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