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Things to Start Doing in your 20s to Guarantee a Youthful Look in your 40s

August 26, 2020 3 min read

Things to Start Doing in your 20s to Guarantee a Youthful Look in your 40s

Have you ever thought to yourself why most celebrities look like they're in their 20s when in reality, they're actually in their 40s? You bet I did too when I was younger. Well, the answer is pretty simple; the use of anti-aging skincare products and Botox. Today, we'll be touching on the topic of anti-aging skincare products and how it will benefit you tremendously upon usage, especially at a young age. I am sure most of you might be curious about Botox too, and what it does. Not to worry, we got you covered! We will be dedicating a whole article just on Botox itself in the near future, if you want to be notified firsthand once it's being published do subscribe to our newsletter if you haven't already.


For now, let's dive right into anti-aging skincare products. Most of you have probably heard of it. Anti-aging skincare products remind me of the song "18 till I die". Indeed, anti-aging skincare products are top-rated today; and of course, who doesn't want to look young forever, right? 


When it comes to anti-aging skincare products, the first thing that comes to mind is vitamin C-based anti-aging skincare products. Most of these products work by enabling the synthesis of collagen, a structural protein found in skin. This category of anti-aging skincare products is related to antioxidants. However, anti-aging skincare products based on vitamin C are posed with the danger of getting oxidized themselves as they come into contact with air during their usage. Therefore, some anti-aging skincare products are based on the derivatives of vitamin C, which are more stable and less expensive. However, the effectiveness of such anti-aging skincare is not as much as it is for vitamin C-based anti-aging skincare products. 


Well, if you have been keeping up with our articles, by now you would have realized that vitamin C is literally a key in almost everything, not just in anti-aging, but also in skincare and health. Nevertheless, besides vitamin C, vitamin E and lipoic acid are antioxidants too. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant found in human blood and helps build resistance against infection. Vitamin E is also known to inhibit cancer. Lipoic acid is known to combat the signs of aging very effectively by reversing the skin damage caused by the aging process. 


Phytochemicals form the other category of anti-aging skincare products. Phytochemicals are distinctive chemicals that are extracted from plants. There are a variety of phytochemicals that are in use in the world today. Phytochemicals prevent the occurrence of certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer. That is why they find their place in anti-aging skincare products.


Other worth mentioning vitamins are B-vitamins like B5, B6, and B12 are also in use for anti-aging skincare products. 


The field of anti-aging skincare products is vast and requires a lot of research. Though the currently available products are effective, they still have challenges to combat. Hopefully, these challenges will get resolved in due course and help get better and cheaper anti-aging skincare products.


Nonetheless, anti-aging skincare products should be used only as a supplement to the natural ways of skin and body care. Therefore, drinking a lot of water, getting a good night's sleep, exercising regularly, maintaining healthy eating habits, and keeping stress at bay are essential means of delaying the aging process. No anti-aging skincare products can replace them. 

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September 04, 2020



September 04, 2020


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